Opinion: Take pride in Oregon’s kicker law

By E. Werner Reschke

Reschke, R-Klamath Falls, represents House District 56 in the Oregon Legislature.

As a legislative member of the House Interim Committee on Revenue, I heard firsthand the most recent report of glowing economic news from Oregon's state economists. Consumer spending ­ roughly two-thirds of the economy – remains strong, job prospects are still good and overall wages continue to climb. Because Oregon’s economy closely follows the U.S. economy, we can be thankful to Republicans at the federal level for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed at the end of 2017. While it is debatable whether the Tax Cut and Jobs Act created a one-time bump in the economy or not, what is certain is that consumer confidence and employment numbers, especially for minorities, are very good.

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The kicker is coming: How much Oregonians are expected to get back at tax time

Personal income taxpayers will get nearly $1.6 billion back at tax time, according to state economists.

The size of a taxpayer’s kicker will depend on how much they earned and paid in taxes.

Those making between $11,700 and $27,500 will receive a kicker up to $169, according to projections. People making between $27,500 and $49,700 will see about $373. In the range of $49,700 and $90,500, the expected kicker will be $679.

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You Kicker Refund now $729…Tax cuts vindicated!

1. The average Kicker Tax Refund just jumped to $729 due to a booming economy.
2. This is vindication that the national 2017 tax cuts has given us one of the best economies on record and it is showering Oregon with prosperity.
3. That tax cut gave Oregonians $840 more money in their pocket — and now it has benefited the Oregon economy so much that the same Oregonian will be getting a $729 Kicker Tax Refund.
4. Oregon is not alone, 41 states have hit record revenue according to PEW research.

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Oregon kicker: Taxpayers set to get a $1.6 billion rebate next year

Oregon taxpayers will receive an astounding $1.6 billion “kicker” tax rebate next year, up from the already record-shattering $1.4 billion rebate economists had predicted just three months ago.

The state depends heavily on personal income taxes and an unexpected surge in those payments in recent months pushed up the rebate figure.

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Kate Brown proposes diverting $500 million of ‘kicker’ to PERS, rural housing and internet

SALEM — Gov. Kate Brown on Thursday laid out a detailed plan for how she would like to divert more than one-third of the state’s projected record $1.4 billion “kicker” tax rebate.

Brown has previously said she would like to cap taxpayers’ kickers at $1,000 and use the roughly $500 million that would be saved to reduce the impact of public pension costs on government budgets.

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Our View: Everyday Oregonians deserve their kicker

Oregon’s unique tax “kicker” law is working exactly as intended, potentially sending more than $1.4 billion — yes, billion — back to taxpayers next year.

Top Democrats in the Legislature’s supermajority should respect the law’s intent, which is to prevent excessive government spending. Instead, they want to spend your kicker refund for you.

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Lars Larson: Hands off our “kicker”!

Anytime I have food in my hands, I get the undivided attention of my two scottie dogs. They’re my best friends for the moment.

Those in government sometimes behave like dogs: make a mess on the living room rug, chew up your favorite shoes and then when you call them on it, they tilt their heads to one side like “don’t know what you’re talking about”.

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